Friday, September 17, 2010

Working from Home

We may very well have the world's most prolific pear tree.

Every year, it gifts us with hundreds of fruits and this year is no different.

Having showered my neighbors and friends with more pears than they may be able to eat, can, bake, juice... I put a little ad on freecyle (I LOVE freecyle).

Within minutes, I had found myself a new job of answering an avalanche of emails about picking up the pears. 

In order to focus on my other job - yes, that one - I made up a template reply and sent it to anyone who asked, along with my address.

"I will put the pears on my front porch. Bring some bags and help yourselves until they are gone (which could happen quickly)


Then, I go back to The Job. This pear thing is wrapped up nicely and no longer needs my attention. It is self-maintaining and that is always a good, efficacious thing.

An hour later, I hear people climbing up the porch steps. I hear little voices. I hear FUN. 

Focus, Laura, focus. 

Finally, the effort of trying to focus on my work while my mind wants to put a face to the voices and connect is way more distracting than just getting up and walking to the door.

So I do. And right there are two little girls, dressed in pink mind you, looking at each pear before placing it gently into the bag their mom is holding for them. 

They are beaming. And now, so am I. 

AND I remember why working from home is such a challenge, and that I need to focus. 

And ... what the heck... maybe I just need to go bake a pear tarte.

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