Thursday, April 8, 2010

Guess What? Having more options decreases happiness.


According to Dan Gilbert (Stumbling on Happiness), contrary to popular belief, having more options generally decreases happiness because we get stuck in second-guessing all our choices. All these options can cause us to keep looking outside of ourselves for the next trend and lead us to lose touch with that part of ourselves that knows what we uniquely desire and value, and that’s when the internal conflict sets in.

See his Ted video (and then, sign up for my Moving Up! program)


  1. Interesting - my sis always says it's good to have options, but I have found what you say here to be totally true. Trying to decide which option to follow when there are too many is murder! Simplify, focus, and actualize...that's what I am trying to do. Oh...and LISTEN for a change, to what I am telling myself!
