A few thoughts I wanted to share as a follow up to last night's class. Universal enough to share with all.
1) Objects are here to serve us. NOT the other way around. This means that when it comes to acquiring, disregarding or maintaining objects, WE are in charge. We have a choice. One way this came to life for me, this past week is when receiving a new refrigerator. The new fridge got delivered, all beautiful and clean, with all its inviting new shelves for me to play with. Within minutes, I was placing my food on the shelves and pretty soon, I realized that ... something was not right. After stepping back a little bit and remembering that this fridge was here to serve ME, I gave myself permission to move stuff around ... to serve ME. The drawer moved from the left to the right (closer for the kids to grab snacks), I took out one of the shelves, move other ones around, until it was just right ... for me. So, just an example of exercising the "choice muscle" we talked about.
2) About the "Welcome 100% Responsibility for Our Life" part: it is always a somewhat heated debate and last night was no exception. As I thought about it this morning, this is what I came up with:
Whether we come from a Jack Canfield, more pragmatic place (Event+Response=Outcome) or from a more spiritual stance, here is the important part: we always get to choose whether we want to blame someone else (god, the government, our parents, our neighbors, our boss, our dog) OR whether we want to choose what we do about it, remembering that our response is 100% ours. To me, the latter is true freedom.
I'd love your thoughts.