Saturday, July 31, 2010
Darn Accountability
My coach told me that I had 24 hours to make 8 calls to prospective meeting planners.
Once I got past the "Hey that's MY line" syndrome, I found oh ... 12 things that were much more important for me to do that day. One of them included washing the ceiling in my bathroom. I kid you not.
Noon came around. Then 2:00. Then 2:30.
I was going around my business and looked fully efficient I am sure. Inside, I was squirming.
I had agreed. I said that I would make those calls. And really, I loved that he was holding me to a timeline. I know how well this technique works because I use it with my clients all the time. I tell them "be sure to shoot me a quick email when you're done." I get it.
But still. Cold calling sucks.
So, I cleaned up my desk (that's one of my little quirks and a topic better left for another time) and picked up the phone.
Within 3 minutes, I had booked a speaking date. Just like that.
And pretty soon, another one.
Would I have done it without having promised to report to him? I would love to say yes. But I have to say ... no.
Accountability to another person is often what makes things click. Not because of fear (my coach lives across the country so I am in no danger of getting a spanking) but because of ... I don't know, something that happens to many of us when we say: "Yep. I'll do it."
It's good.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
As I watch the puffy, creamy white croissants who have been rising all night, I am reminded of the power of anticipation.
Here they are, pregnant with the promise of flaky, buttery deliciousness, their yeasty smell taking over my kitchen.
I know that in minutes, they will become the familiar friends of my childhood, golden and amazing.
I know that I will burn my fingers, then my tongue, on the first one as I am not great with waiting.
But right now, as the oven heats up, I get to sit with their swollen promise for just a few more minutes... lucky me.
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Yumminess of Giving!
Because the world moves so fast, I was able to see a photo, last night, of her being hugged by her new "Dad" and the feeling of generosity made my head spin and my heart melt.
This morning, I too want to give a little of me to the world.
And so, I am giving you a free copy of my book, Pink Hair & Chocolate Cookies, in its ebook form. Just in time for the weekend.
If you have not read it yet, I believe you'll enjoy it.
If you have already read it, maybe there is a new little nugget in there ready for you to discover.
Either way, just send me a quick email and it is yours!
Here's to passing on our gifts - whether they may be the warmth of a home in a faraway land, a collection of heartfelt words or a few minutes of our attention.
I wish you a super duper weekend...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Yossi's Amazing Story - Pure.
Some things are just too good to be messed with.
Yossi's story is one of those so, for those of us who don't like to be interrupted by rude callers ... this is it:
Click here and ... ENJOY
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Writing this "hot."
I am writing this "hot." No pondering and no waiting until I cool down.
I just got off the air where I hosted Yossi Ghinsberg and had the privilege of listening to his story, told in the most beautiful way.
2/3 of the way through the interview, I noticed that someone was trying to get on the air and most likely ask Yossi a question. I decided to let the call through since I was too dreamy from Yossi's words to ask him anything intelligent anyway.
As soon as I heard the caller's voice, I felt that I had broken the spell and wished I had not taken the call. And then, within seconds, the caller was voicing the rudest, unrelated comments on the air. I clicked him off.
Yossi had not understood the comments and we were able to go on with the show but something in me feels sad, mad and grossed out.
This kind of stuff rarely (never?) happens to me and I guess I have not built the immunity, yet.
I understand that as the show grows, the net widens and that with it comes ... different flavors.
I get it. I will be "back in my own business" shortly.
And oh, make a cup of tea and listen to Yossi ... just try and ignore these strange seconds, 2/3 of the way through.

I just got off the air where I hosted Yossi Ghinsberg and had the privilege of listening to his story, told in the most beautiful way.
2/3 of the way through the interview, I noticed that someone was trying to get on the air and most likely ask Yossi a question. I decided to let the call through since I was too dreamy from Yossi's words to ask him anything intelligent anyway.
As soon as I heard the caller's voice, I felt that I had broken the spell and wished I had not taken the call. And then, within seconds, the caller was voicing the rudest, unrelated comments on the air. I clicked him off.
Yossi had not understood the comments and we were able to go on with the show but something in me feels sad, mad and grossed out.
This kind of stuff rarely (never?) happens to me and I guess I have not built the immunity, yet.
I understand that as the show grows, the net widens and that with it comes ... different flavors.
I get it. I will be "back in my own business" shortly.
And oh, make a cup of tea and listen to Yossi ... just try and ignore these strange seconds, 2/3 of the way through.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Little Big Girl
She was not quite three years old. She was very little. She was very big, too.
She is about to fly away and while she is still pretty little, I know that she is very big, too.
She is about to fly away and while she is still pretty little, I know that she is very big, too.
Faire et défaire ...
In French, we say ... "faire et défaire, c'est toujours travailler," which translates loosely to ... to do and undo ... it is still working.
Today, after spending most of the day on one project only to fully undo it a few minutes ago, I needed to remember this.
Today, after spending most of the day on one project only to fully undo it a few minutes ago, I needed to remember this.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Follow up on Yes! TeleClass
A few thoughts I wanted to share as a follow up to last night's class. Universal enough to share with all.
1) Objects are here to serve us. NOT the other way around. This means that when it comes to acquiring, disregarding or maintaining objects, WE are in charge. We have a choice. One way this came to life for me, this past week is when receiving a new refrigerator. The new fridge got delivered, all beautiful and clean, with all its inviting new shelves for me to play with. Within minutes, I was placing my food on the shelves and pretty soon, I realized that ... something was not right. After stepping back a little bit and remembering that this fridge was here to serve ME, I gave myself permission to move stuff around ... to serve ME. The drawer moved from the left to the right (closer for the kids to grab snacks), I took out one of the shelves, move other ones around, until it was just right ... for me. So, just an example of exercising the "choice muscle" we talked about.
2) About the "Welcome 100% Responsibility for Our Life" part: it is always a somewhat heated debate and last night was no exception. As I thought about it this morning, this is what I came up with:
Whether we come from a Jack Canfield, more pragmatic place (Event+Response=Outcome) or from a more spiritual stance, here is the important part: we always get to choose whether we want to blame someone else (god, the government, our parents, our neighbors, our boss, our dog) OR whether we want to choose what we do about it, remembering that our response is 100% ours. To me, the latter is true freedom.
I'd love your thoughts.
1) Objects are here to serve us. NOT the other way around. This means that when it comes to acquiring, disregarding or maintaining objects, WE are in charge. We have a choice. One way this came to life for me, this past week is when receiving a new refrigerator. The new fridge got delivered, all beautiful and clean, with all its inviting new shelves for me to play with. Within minutes, I was placing my food on the shelves and pretty soon, I realized that ... something was not right. After stepping back a little bit and remembering that this fridge was here to serve ME, I gave myself permission to move stuff around ... to serve ME. The drawer moved from the left to the right (closer for the kids to grab snacks), I took out one of the shelves, move other ones around, until it was just right ... for me. So, just an example of exercising the "choice muscle" we talked about.
2) About the "Welcome 100% Responsibility for Our Life" part: it is always a somewhat heated debate and last night was no exception. As I thought about it this morning, this is what I came up with:
Whether we come from a Jack Canfield, more pragmatic place (Event+Response=Outcome) or from a more spiritual stance, here is the important part: we always get to choose whether we want to blame someone else (god, the government, our parents, our neighbors, our boss, our dog) OR whether we want to choose what we do about it, remembering that our response is 100% ours. To me, the latter is true freedom.
I'd love your thoughts.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Kale Chips
I love the way kale grows all these ruffles, right here in my little garden and I love the way "kale chips" taste - and make me feel.
These are raw, dehydrated and amazing. Not "health food tasting" at all.
I adapted this recipe from my friend Joanie's Choose to Thrive cookbook.
Joanie's Kale Chips
2 bunches kale
These are raw, dehydrated and amazing. Not "health food tasting" at all.
I adapted this recipe from my friend Joanie's Choose to Thrive cookbook.
Joanie's Kale Chips
2 bunches kale
1/2 C tahini
2 cloves garlic
1/4 olive oil
1/2 t salt
2 T light miso
1/2 C water
Pinch cayenne
1/2 C grounded golden flax seeds (optional)
(the wet stuff makes a great salad dressing, too!)
(the wet stuff makes a great salad dressing, too!)
- Wash the kale, remove the stems, and tear it into 2” pieces.
- Mix everything except the kale and the flax seeds into a blender and blend until smooth.
- In a large bowl, toss the kale with the sauce until the leaves are well coated (I use my hands)
- Line your dehydrator with teflex sheets (I sometimes skip that part too) and arrange the coated kale in a single layer.
- Sprinkle the ground flax on top of the kale.
- Dehydrate until crisp (I have to leave the house while they dry because I keep peeking and tasting and have even eaten a whole batch before they were done - but that's just me)
They are amazing!
Let me know what you think, ok?
PS for balance, I may share my fully non healthy and fat ladden "La Vie en Rose Key Lime Pie" recipe soon...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Bathtub thoughts
I talked to my mom, yesterday, and learned that she is now using oxygen, "once in a while." She has gracefully been living with emphysema for the past couple of years as, even though she quit smoking 20 years ago, the previous 40 have done their work.
Following last week's radio show, I exchanged emails today with someone who, following a 2001 aneurysm and a 2-weeks post surgery stroke has been paralyzed and living with double vision.
As I sit in the bathtub tonight, my heart tight with the pain of transitions, I remember that I am so, so lucky to be able to draw a full breath - and know that the next one is coming for sure - AND to be able to simply ... see.
Following last week's radio show, I exchanged emails today with someone who, following a 2001 aneurysm and a 2-weeks post surgery stroke has been paralyzed and living with double vision.
As I sit in the bathtub tonight, my heart tight with the pain of transitions, I remember that I am so, so lucky to be able to draw a full breath - and know that the next one is coming for sure - AND to be able to simply ... see.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Living the Questions
A watercolor I did, to accompany Rainer Maria Rilke's words - which accompanied me through many chapters.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Are you going craaaazy with paper clutter?
Following last night's Yes! TeleClass segment on simplifying, I was reminded of how prevalent paper clutter can be AND how crazy it can make us.
I am giving away one of my File That Pile! Audio courses (CDs) to the first 5 people who ask me - and need it baaaad.
It is a good one so dont be shy!
Can you say INSPIRATION?
Spending an hour on the air with Laurie Michaels (technical glitches and all) was like getting a shot of gratitude straight into my bloodstream.
I highly recommend it.
I highly recommend it.
Listen to internet radio with Laura Lavigne on Blog Talk Radio
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