Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Whose Business?

As some of you know, I have been intensely studying Byron Katie's work and her simple yet profound teachings are making their way deep inside me.

This is the kind of things that does not happen that often but when it does, it is pretty darn altering.

One of these teachings has to do with "The Three Types of Businesses."

According to Byron Katie, there are three types of businesses and knowing the difference between them can make a huge difference in the way we live our lives, in the amount of peace we experience.

1) God's business. This is the stuff hurricanes and tsunamis are made of.

2) Other people's business. If your next door neighbor decides to paint his house bright fushia ... that's his business. On a tougher-to-implement level, if he decides to call you names, that's his business as well.

3) Your business. Getting mad about the new paint job or feeling insulted by his words, that's your business.

And here is the trick: the only place to ever dwell is in YOUR business. 

If you/we/I am experiencing stressful thoughts, chances are you/we/I are in someone else's business.

So simple and when truly grasped, fully revolutionary. 

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