Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do Unto Others

As I laid in bed yesterday afternoon, prone to a sudden, rare and yet almost total crash of energy, Chris sat by me and asked me if I would like him to bring me some cream and a video.

Some cream and a video.

The idea of cream made my stomach turn a little and I could barely wrap my mind around the concept of focusing on a video.

I declined and asked him for a glass of water instead.

Last night, as we talked, I realized that he had offered me the two things that would have made HIM feel a lot better: he likes to sip cream out of a wine glass (I know, isn’t it cute, though?) and there is rarely a time when a movie won’t cheer him up.

So, he was wanting the give me the good stuff. HIS good stuff.

Just as, seeing him under the weather I might have offered to run him a hot bath while straightening out the living room and putting out a vase of fresh flowers - which he would not even have noticed.

So, really it is not so much “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” but rather “do unto others whatever is going to make them happy - even if it feels a bit strange to you.”

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