Monday, February 2, 2009

Permission to Paint

A cold got a hold of me. 

I think it had been chasing me for a few years and was possibly so glad to have finally caught me (I like the idea that a cold caught me!) that it decided that it would pack a wallop. And that it did. 

So, this is day 3.

And it is also Monday. 

I love Mondays. 

I love the open expanse of a week ahead of me, of calls to make, calls to take, things to create ... I guess I love my work. 

But this morning, there was no way I would make or take any calls. No way I would create anything. 

Energy, of which I am usually blessed oodles, is barely here. 

So, I am "forced" to look at my list and I am "forced" to admit that, really, none of it HAS to get done today. 

It is almost shocking to think that I can actually postpone all of it with no problem. 

So, now, what do I want to do? 

I want to go paint

That's right. On a Monday. 

And I know that I just learned something important, here. Something bigger than I can glimpse right now. But my brain is too fuzzy to articulate it. 

So I will later. 

For now, I am going to paint...

1 comment:

  1. I love it!
    It's great seeing you taking your own advice; I remember the first time you talked to me about looking at my to do list and seeing how little of it really HAD to get done right away.
